Blog Revival

It has certainly been a hot minute since I’ve posted on this blog! So long that in looking back over my posts I have forgotten that I even wrote some of them. Quite incredible to read words you have written once you’ve forgotten ever writing them. It feels like you are reading someone else’s thoughts and experiences.

Even more incredible to have forgotten projects you have worked on. Presents made for others. Objects that are now sitting in the bottom of drawers, having never lived up to their expectations. Maybe the presents, too, are living in the bottom of drawers, unwanted or just no longer loved.

Memory is so incredibly unreliable and capricious. At least mine is. Especially since having a child. I thought that as he grew older my memory would come back, but perhaps it’s gone for ever. Or perhaps it was never as good as I thought it was!

Either way I’ve come to realise that as life moves forward, inexorably, it seems a good idea to document what’s happening. Reminiscing has always been a fun past-time for me. I love looking back through my feeds to see what I used to get up to. Love looking back at old family photos and videos to remember how little our babies use to be, to remember our holidays, birthdays, dinners, parties. Or even just the times we spent together, not doing much, just enjoying the company.

I’ve seen those memes where we rouse on people who are filming experiences rather than enjoying the moment. Where there’s that one person happily living life while everyone around them is looking at the view through their phones. And it’s supposed to make us all feel bad for not being that one person.

While there’s a part of me who certainly agrees with this sentiment, there’s another part of me that likes knowing I’ll be able to re-live that moment again and again through the photo or the video. That having the record is also important. That it will be cherished and enjoyed many times in the future.

I’d love to be that mindful person who experiences each moment to its fullest, and creates memories that can be re-lived and retained without some external trigger. Alas, I know myself well enough now that is not me. I love having my history documented. I love looking back through old memories and reading my old thoughts.

So it occurs to me that I should revisit this blog and try to revive it. There’s been a lot of crafting going on, especially since… you know… 2020. The creative drive has been strong. And I love to have a place that documents the progress of each item as it comes to life.

That’s it really.

Let’s see how long it lasts this time!